Friday, January 18, 2008

When Head Trauma Makes You Spit Your Food Out

No, the two are not related, that is, the person receiving the head trauma and the person spitting out his food (me). I recently found myself reading a past issue of Forbes magazine and eating lunch in the waiting area while getting my brakes done. With the title of the series of articles called “The Adventurer- Life on the Edge” you would think the writer would be somewhat athletic and/or coordinated. Apparently, he goes and interviews athletes and adveturists and becomes a participant in their activity to give the reader a kind of insight as to what it’s like to do what they do. Well, the ClueLacking author goes to interview Olympic figure skater Sasha Cohen and tries to learn how to skate. He proceeds to tell us that he buys new expensive skates and declines wearing a helmet because it may throw his balance off. He sets us up with the knowledge that he has climbed the Matterhorn with crampons and trekked the South Pole in skis but has never been on skates. He starts out and is trying a slow simple spin, tries it once, twice and then his story reads “On the third attempt I decided to swing a little harder. When I came to, I was in an ambulance, strapped to a board.” That was the point when food came spontaneously flying out of my mouth. So let's see, within 2 minutes of touching the rink he is face down and unconscious on the ice with arms down by his side? Now that's quite an adventure. You really have to check out the video to appreciate it here, fast forward to 3:50. Ouch, it looks/sounds painful, but it’s OK you can go ahead and watch, just don’t have anything in your mouth.

The full article in Forbes is here.


Anonymous said...

Geez, What happened to the guy?

Kev's World said...

11 stitches and a concussion. And a little re-evaluating of whether or not to try something like that again I'm sure.